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How to guide: Responding to Expressions of Interest (EoIs)

This guide outlines the process for expressing interest in specific studies and outlines some important points to consider before expressing interest. The term Expression of Interest (EoI) can refer to the information a practice receives about a study, as well as interest in a study as expressed by the practice. EoIs (usually in the form of an email) may be sent to a practice by West Yorkshire Research and Development, the local Clinical Research Network (CRN), or direct from a study team.

Key information you should be aware of:

Please note that expressing interest in a study does not commit the practice to participate; nor does it guarantee involvement. If you receive information about a study direct from a study team, and the study is recruiting via the NHS, you will need to ensure all appropriate approvals are in place. This would include Health Research Authority (HRA) approval and, in most cases, approval by a Research Ethics Committee (REC). Both of these approvals are in the form of a letter which should be available from the study team. Where the information about a study comes from West Yorkshire Research and Development or the CRN, these approvals should already be in place.


See also

Full guide

Assessment of feasibility

Before expressing interest in a study, the practice(s) must first consider whether the study is feasible for the practice(s).

There is usually a deadline for expressing interest, and at times, this is a very tight deadline. Therefore, it may be helpful to have a checklist to which you may refer to help you assess feasibility. If the information about the study has come via West Yorkshire Research and Development or the CRN, an overview of the information you need should be in the EoI email. You may need to read the Protocol, Organisation Information Document or Participant Information Sheets for more information.

Below are some suggested points you may wish to consider when determining feasibility. This is not necessarily an in-depth feasibility analysis, but more of a surface review. Please also note that this is not a comprehensive list, and there may be other points to consider based on local circumstances. Therefore, it may be good to create your own checklist, as suggested above:

STAFF: Does the practice have staff available to deliver the study if required?

FACILITIES: Does the practice have the appropriate facilities to deliver the research? For example, this may include one or more of the following:

COSTS: Service Support Cost (SSC) payments may be provided to the practice via the CRN, Research Costs may be provided by the study team. Some studies also include Excess Treatment Costs. These are paid quarterly in arrears via the national payment system to the site where they are incurred.

TIME: Does the practice have the time to carry out the local requirements of the study?  (Note: some time may be reimbursed by means of Service Support Costs).

PATIENTS: Is there a specific recruitment target (number of patients recruited to the trial) for the practice? If so, does the practice have the sufficient number of patients on their clinic list which meet the inclusion criteria for the study? It is generally expected that 10% of patients approached about a study may wish to participate.

Submitting EoIs

Once a practice has determined that a study is feasible to be delivered at the practice(s), an expression of interest (EoI) should be made promptly. There is often a short deadline for this.

Glossary of Acronyms and Terms


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