Randomised trials in general practice in West Yorkshire: a brief guide to design, delivery and dissemination for researchers

Who is this guide for?

This guide is intended for relatively advanced researchers planning a randomised trial in general practice in West Yorkshire. Earlier career researchers may wish to check out existing Information for Researchers.

The guide summarises key considerations around enrolling and supporting general practices in trials. It is based on the experience and consensus of local research leads and managers, research network managers, trial methodologists and researchers.

You may be designing a trial or considering including general practices from West Yorkshire in a trial which has been funded or has started. Whilst many points in this guide should be self-evident to experienced trialists, it may help as an aide memoire or directory of useful contacts and sources of help.

You can access this guide in our repository: 

Randomised trials in general practice in West Yorkshire: a brief guide to design, delivery and dissemination for researchers


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