The NIHR Yorkshire and Humber Research Delivery Network (RDN) funds health and care research, translating discoveries into practice. The NIHR’s vision is to improve the health and wealth of the nation through research, involving patients and the public in all of their work. There is a comprehensive section about patient and public involvement in research on the NIHR website:
The NIHR Yorkshire and Humber Research Delivery Network (RDN) is a Regional Research Delivery Network (RRDN). There is a lot of support available through our local RRDN for patients and the public who would like to be involved in research.
The NIHR has also released a guide: Briefing Notes for Researchers - public involvement in NHS, health and social care research.
The NIHR Research Champion initiative is supported by NIHR Research Delivery Networks across the country. The NIHR advises that "Research Champions volunteer their time to help spread the word about health and care research to patients and the public, and especially those groups who are currently less likely to take part in research."
If you are enthusiastic about health research and would like more information about becoming a Research Champion in the Yorkshire and Humber area then you can contact Evie Chandler to discuss. Evie supports research involvement as our locality’s Patient, Public and Carer Involvement and Engagement Officer. You can also follow Evie on Twitter at @EviePPICRNyh.
In this short video John White explains why he volunteers as a Research Champion (previously known as Patient Research Ambassadors):
For more information about what being a Research Champion involves please visit the NIHR website: