This is about…
Preparing for the launch
Applicable to level(s)
Network of practices
Regional or national networks
Likely skills and resources needed
Clinical Administrative Management
Likely difficulty
Likely time commitment
Consider whether you have the commitment and resources to embed changes within your practice or network
Choose a launch period that clashes with competing initiatives or known busy periods
Preparing for roll out
Some practical considerations:
- Timing to avoid interference (or even align) with any other major initiatives or known peak periods (e.g. winter flu)
- Whether to go for a phased or ‘big bang’ start; the former is suitable if you have limited resources and allows more for continuing refinement following feedback whilst the latter allows clarity around a launch date
- Whether this is a one-off campaign or you can embed and sustain your improvement approach
Fidelity checklist
Fidelity is the degree to which a plan is followed as intended. One common reason for improvement approaches not achieving hoped for impacts is loss of fidelity. There are different ways to look at fidelity, which can be considered throughout the planning stages and subsequent evaluation.
- Is the approach designed as intended, i.e. to address all or most major known barriers by embedding relevant behaviour change techniques?
- Are those responsible for delivery sufficiently trained, e.g. are staff delivering educational outreach visits trained to a sufficient standard, or are those people nominated as local opinion leaders ‘on message?’
- Are arrangements in place to ensure that the improvement approach can be delivered on time to all practices and staff targeted?
- Do targeted practices and staff actually receive all components of the improvement approach?
- Do targeted practices and staff actually take any subsequent action prompted or supported by the improvement approach?
It is highly unlikely that all of these will go as planned. It is useful, however, to build in planned time for adjustments and running repairs to the design and roll out of the improvement approach