You can find profiles of the members of our team at
We support the NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board in four key areas:

The West Yorkshire R&D team helps to transform research questions into research proposals. The team has links with a diverse range of professionals, including clinicians and academics, and provides vast experience in research development. The team offers support in the following key areas:
The feasibility of delivering a project within a NHS setting
Facilitation of key partnerships to promote successful delivery
Securing funding and project collaborators
West Yorkshire R&D has helped to establish a multi-million pound portfolio of research which informs decision-making by clinicians, patients and commissioners. Our research work is conducted so that health service staff are involved in the analysis and interpretation of emerging research findings as studies progress, enabling more timely and relevant research outputs. Examples of projects we have supported include: Action to Support Practices Implementing Research Evidence (ASPIRE); Understanding prescribing of opioids for chronic, non-cancer pain in general practice; Improving the Management of Pain from Advanced Cancer in the Community (IMPACCT); Self-Management of Analgesia and Related Treatments at the End of life (SMARTE); Electronic Palliative Care Co-ordination System (EPaCCS); and TIME4PallCare - Determining timely engagement with palliative care for patients with advanced cancer.
For more information or to discuss involvement in a research project please contact us.
You can read more about patient and public involvement in research through the public section of our website:
We may sometimes collect information from researchers but always take care to treat it fairly. (How is my information used?)
Research governance can be defined as the broad range of regulations, principles and standards of good practice that exist to achieve and continuously improve research quality across all aspects of healthcare in the UK and worldwide. For the purposes of research governance, ‘research’ means the attempt to derive generalisable new knowledge by addressing clearly defined questions with systematic and rigorous methods.
Research governance applies to everyone connected to health and social care (this means any health-related research which involves humans, their tissue and/or data), whether as a chief/principal investigator, care professional, researcher, employer or as support staff. If you are involved in research of this kind it is important that you are aware of your obligations throughout the process. The UK Policy Framework for Health and Social Care Research sets out the responsibilities and standards that apply to work managed within the formal research context.
If you need help to decide whether your project is classified as research you can refer to the Health Research Authority decision tool.
Useful websites
Engagement in research is high on the political agenda. This is reflected in key Government publications including:
Through increased engagement in research we are able to enact the Government vision of promoting efficiency through innovation. Patient and public involvement in research is of paramount importance as it helps to demonstrate openness and enriches the research process through inclusion.
The West Yorkshire R&D team works closely with the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Regional Research Delivery Network (RRDN) who are able to offer both practical and financial support for the delivery of research.
The team is currently working on several grant-funded projects with a number of organisations, including local universities.
The WY R&D team helps to ensure that commissioning decisions are based on robust evidence through the sharing of best practice. We communicate study findings and research opportunities, and we have hosted a number of events that provide a knowledge exchange forum for NHS healthcare professionals. We also support researchers to communicate and translate their findings into NHS settings, giving them opportunities to reach decision makers and practitioners.
We develop events where researchers can share evidence in areas of particular interest to commissioners and other health professionals in a timely manner to support their decision-making. Recent events have focused on cancer and palliative care, elderly care and frailty, mental health in primary care, earlier diagnosis of cancer and on improving prescribing.
The West Yorkshire R&D team seeks to share findings of research studies. Study teams looking to share their research findings can contact us to discuss ways of sharing research findings with GP practices, colleagues and commissioners. We have established a repository where end of study reports, research outputs or links to published articles can be shared and accessed.
To discuss possible topics for learning events, or to share your research findings, please get in touch.